Monday, May 14, 2007


As we drove south on 35W, which we discovered fairly late in the game that South was the opposite way from where we were trying to go, I realized how great my life had become. Jamin and Mary chatted in the back seat while Liz and I tried desperately to navigate the trecherous highways and byways of the Twin Cities. "Take 35W North...wait, why is there a W after the name?" I questioned the map, as if it would answer me back with a quippy response. "I have no idea," Liz answers back, hearing my mumble to myself. "This is just stupid. I have a feeling we are supposed to be going north, not south." I was stating the obvious.

The laminated map, picked up at McStop in Bloomington, was turning into our salvation. The lady at the venue had given us horrible directions, making it nearly impossible to find anything resembling a concert venue.

After two hours on 35W, we made it. The time was spent bonding over frustration, laughter, and McStop jokes.

How is my life this good!!?? I get paid to hang out with awesome people.

1 comment:

mandy said...

you had to have been in took me quite a long time to figure out the need for the "w" and "e" when i wasn't going east or west. glad you found your way around!