Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I reside in a cave...

As I walked around the corner of my small office, I thought to myself, "I know there is something going on today. What in the world is it?" I discovered 30 seconds later what I had forgoten. Three sweaty men greeted me as they pulled out their power drills and odd shaped office equipment. They were installing our new office cubicle units today.

Six hours and three cups of double sugar triple creamer coffee later, my cubicle was installed. "When did I become a person with a cubicle job?" I thought. "Am I turning into my mother? Dear God please no!" Now, I'm fond of my mother, don't get me wrong, but when did I enter cubicle world? This was not what I envisioned when I dreamed of my life after college. None-the-less it is a job, cubicle or no cubicle.

And now I reside in a cave. The two metalic gray overhead compartments on either side of my head serve to shadow the tacable gray surface of the module like walls that hang to the gray and teal granite look-a-like desk forming an l-shape, serving mostly to cocoon me at my workstation. My cavelike existence is due, in part, to my lack of window or hallway access without pushing back my plush office chair into the eisle created by the cubicle and the apposing wall.

My only saving grace is my computer, my link to the outside world, and the hilarious pictures of my friends hanging from my tactable surface. They bring life to my otherwise dull, gray cave. Well, that and my drawer of hidden goodies, but that is beside the point.

Now it's time for my daily battle with the copy machine, which lives an alternate life as a fax machine and a printer.

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