Tuesday, January 23, 2007

In between

I enjoy my life so much that sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure it's really happening. For a brief moment I had forgotten how great it was-'lost perspective' is the term I'm using to describe this brief moment in history. I had forgotten how precious those little moments were in my life. The ones that you usually forget because they're wedged in between weddings, funerals, break-ups, hook-ups, and any other event deemed emotionally taxing. They are the long talks over cubanos and brownies, random dance parties, aweful karaoke singing, saki bombers with no shot glasses as 2am, sleeping in, dancing to Brand New in your underwear in the middle of the day, mike-n-ikes at the movies, and searching for that one great pillow in the pile of otherwise hideous ones (seriously people...some of you have horrible taste).

These moments are the ones that remind me how sweet life is. When everything in the world seems big and overwhelming, I remember these moments. They're the ones that make life count. They're the ones that make my heart sing.

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