Monday, April 24, 2006


The process of being emptied by God is not always the funnest experience. It's painful. Let's be honest. Being pruned and being emptied are two of the most humbling experiences I've ever encountered.

I await, with baited breath, the new person Christ will have made me when this is over-the good work He will do in me. All I know is I am incapable. I can, however, accept that God will do in me what I could never do myself.

I'm learning how to die daily. He's teaching me how to trust in his plan, not my own.

1 comment:

Pete ->The Rock Youth Director said...

Launa, you are a jewel. God does have awesome plans for you and, yup, He's working them today. May God bless you today and show you the wonders of his unending love. You're the best!