Thursday, April 20, 2006


Washing my hair. Over-rated. Taking a shower for that matter. Over-rated. I'm not sure if it's my lack of motivation or my dispondent and lethargic disposition as of late that has caused the re-evaluation of personal hygiene. I have no one to impress. I just don't care that much. It takes so much effort to shower, shave, wash my hair, dry my hair, straighten my hair, put product in the hair, slather myself with lotion, put make-up on, pop the contacts in, and cloth myself. It takes forever. It's a production. The only time I would warrant such efforts are special ocassions and dates. I have had neither as of late.

I have had Cake going through my head all day today. It is quite possibly the best way to describe how I feel . 'Nugget' on the Fashion Nugget album. Check it.

Learn to buck up...

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